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Lonely Planet ranks Mauritius one of top 10 countries to visit in 2018

Mauritius has been ranked among the top 10 countries to visit in 2018 according to Lonely Planet’s Best In Travel 2018.

Mauritius joins a selected number of other countries for next year including Chile, Portugal and New Zealand as must visits in 2018. The decision making by Lonely Planet involves its community of writers, editors, and bloggers. A shortlist by a panel of in-house travel experts is drafted that includes criteria such as topicality, excitement, and wow-factor to conclude who makes the best-selling, inspirational travel yearbook. Lonely Planet 2018 list

“This brochure-perfect island idyll is justly famous for its dazzling sapphire seas and luxurious beach resorts, where the watery fun includes coral reef dives, kitesurfing, sea kayaking and lagoon cruises,” says Lonely Planet.

“During the colonial days, Mauritius was known as the ‘Star and Key of the Indian Ocean’ for its strategic position. These days there’s much afoot in the deep blue sky, with the government establishing the island as a hub for flights to mainland Africa.

New connections to Mauritius include Air Mauritius and KLM’s service from Amsterdam. Past glories are also getting a spotlight in 2018, when the island celebrates 50 years of independence.”

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