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Information on which items are completely forbidden on the flight, and which ones are permitted, regulated or restricted in the cabin or hold
This section explains which items to pack in checked baggage instead of cabin baggage or vice versa, and what to leave behind altogether. Please contact us in case of doubts about the acceptance of any item.
Please note that all passengers travelling with 15" Mac Pro devices must check and confirm that their 15" Mac Pro devices do not contain faulty batteries by entering the Serial Number (as indicated on the back of the device) on the following Apple website:
Consequently, from 12 September 2019 onwards and until further notice, all passengers, when traveling with 15" Mac Pro devices, must have printed confirmation that the device is not eligible for the recall program by Apple Inc. and that they are:
Carried in cabin baggage ONLY and NOT in checked baggage.
Switched off during flight
Not charged on board aircraft
The carriage of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is banned on all Air Mauritius flights. This ban applies to devices carried on the passenger, in carry-on baggage, in checked baggage and as cargo or mail.
Articles or substances which are capable of endangering the aircraft or persons on board are labelled as dangerous goods. They can't be carried as checked or hand baggage, except as indicated in these drop downs:
Note: One small packet of safety matches or a cigarette lighter that does not contain unabsorbed liquid fuel, other than liquefied gas, may be carried on your person for your own use. However, these must be carried on your own person at all times and not placed in checked or hand baggage at any time. More information:
In case of doubts about the acceptance of any item, please contact your local Air Mauritius office.
For all matters concerning your flight or our conditions of carriage, please feel free to consult our Conditions of Carriage.
More information
Travel Safe
Travel Safe FAQ
Batteries may pose a hazard in-flight Batteries
Check which items you can carry in your hand luggage as LAGs and in what quantities
In case of doubt about the acceptance of any item, please contact your local Air Mauritius office.
Check which items you can carry in your hand luggage as LAGs and in what quantities.
To find out more about our conditions of carriage for baggage, please feel free to consult our Conditions of Carriage.